I had only been in Shillong for a couple of days when we left for Nagaland via overnight bus. We reached Dimapur at about 6:00 am and Houser was supposed to start teaching at 10:00 am.
I just went straight to our room and slept for a while. My heart was so weary and tired. Too much travelling this year, and my body and soul were in need of true rest. I woke up and started praying. I just kept thinking of Matt. 11 and decided to study rest in the Bible. I think that these were some of the best verses I found:
"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matt. 11: 28-30
I love that Jesus said of Himself that He is gentle and humble in heart. He doesn't have to be. It's amazing that the God of all creation is gentle and humble and promises us rest when we come to Him. He promises rest for our souls. Rest for our souls. That's something that we can't buy, can't pretend. We can't earn it, and it doesn't even necessarily come with a vacation. In all of the busyness of life, in all of our comings and goings, and plans and strategies, we need rest for our souls. It's available to anyone, regardless of our history, or age, or race, if you are weary and burdened, you qualify. Rest.
We are back in Shillong and thankfully I have no plans in the near future to travel. Houser is going tomorrow to teach at another school, and so he has a couple more train rides ahead of him. I got sick again in Nagaland and saw a doctor there and found out I have dysentery. He gave me antibiotics and so I'm getting better now, just a little weak.
I'm so looking forward to the rest of this year. We have been doing a lot of prep work for the schools that we are running here later this year. This DTS lecture phase is finished April 17th, my Dad's Birthday. We are starting another DTS and an SOFM in July. We are for the first time hosting a School of Intercessory Prayer in October. There is great anticipation in my heart for what God is going to do in this city and region.
Beverley and I are going to spend more time in prayer, especially for the next three months, and I'm really excited about that. When Houser gets back we are going to continue all of our Hindi lessons. It was neat to see how much we had learned as we were travelling around. Far from fluent, but it was good to know more phrases and vocabulary.
"You number my wanderings; Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?"
Psalm 56:8