This is an e-mail that Houser has sent out to many people regarding our friend Toshi. Please pray for him.
"I'm sorry that I haven't written an update for so long. I was about to write an update about my wife and I. And there is so much to tell.But now I have an emergency prayer need to share that takes priority over everything else that I can communicate.
One of my dear friends, named Toshi, has been having serious health problems for the past few months, and today the doctors gave the worst news yet. He has had health problems for as long as I have known him. In the past few months, he has had several surgeries, including the removal of his gall bladder and part of his colon. His recovery had been slow and painful, and there was a lot of confusion why he was continually getting worse. Recently, he and his wife traveled to the other end of India to go to a really good hospital to get a thorough analysis.
Today he was diagnosed with colon cancer. The doctors said they can't understand how it was missed during his surgeries, but there is a tumor and they say the cancer is spreading. His physical condition is too weak for any kind of radiation or treatment. They said there is nothing more to do. They said he might live for another three or four months.I don't know what else to say. I met Toshi for the first time a few weeks after I moved to Shillong. We became friends quickly, and we worked together a lot during my first few years here. He helped me host teams and he led the outreaches of all our Mission Adventures teams. We were partners. He is now married and has two young children. They have had a hard time understanding what is happening.
Please pray for him. He needs a miracle.
Thank you. David Houser"
Matt 18:19
“Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”
“Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”