In the first week of this month, our housing filled up quickly as the new Discipleship Training School arrived. We have a pretty big group this time and we're still trying to get to know them all. They are from several different tribes and states in the Northeast.
We have base meetings every Thursday where everyone gathers together for a time of worship, prayer, and a time of announcments for everyone to hear. At any given time at the base we have several different ministries going on. Right now a DTS is running, as well as the ANHOP, All Nations House of Prayer. During different times we run Mission Adventures, a short ten-day program, and a School of Frontier Missions, which begins in September. So our base meetings are a time for people from different ministries to gather together. We took this picture after one of our base meetings. A few people are missing from this picture, but it's the most recent one we have.
Theja and Aren's son, Ziza, just celebrated his first birthday and we had a good time together as a base, eating a special dinner in honor of him.
Every six months we need to leave the country for visa purposes and this time we went to Thailand which is only about a 2 and 1/2 hour flight from us. While we were there, we both had our teeth cleaned and checked and neither one of us had any cavities or problems, hooray. We had a good time of rest and relaxation and ate a lot of good food. It was also my birthday while we were there and so we had a nice dinner together to celebrate. We had a really nice time and yet it's always good to come back home again.