I never knew how entertaining it was to be a parent. Every day is full of new things learned and new expressions or experiences. These days she can touch her toes and so she is often pulling at her socks and trying to take them off. Her little toes barely touch the floor in her walker and she can push off on them sometimes and move across the floor a bit. Our friend Sunny has been teaching her a couple of things and now she puts her hands in ours when we ask her to. She has a really loud and deep laugh now and we love to try and make her laugh as we tickle her and make faces. She recently became fascinated with my cell phone and sometimes I let her hold it and play with it and she has called our friend Vibu a couple of times. I think that one of my favorite parts of the day is when she first wakes up in the morning. She coos and makes some noises in her room and when I go to get her, she gives me the biggest smile and her bright blue eyes are very big with joy. No matter how tired I am, I'm always happy to see her little face with the big smile.
Dave recently had a Leadership meeting in a big city not far from here and so he found a high chair in one of the stores there. It's the perfect size as it lines up exactly with our table so she can sit with us now when we eat and someday we'll be able to eat together.