"Longing is the echo of eternity within our souls. It is that which sets us apart and makes us pilgrims on the journey. This world is not our home, and our inner ache gives testimony to the brevity of life and the weight of eternity." D. Candler
Monday, November 17, 2008
Kate can sit now! I have to sit her up but once she is sitting she can sit by herself for a long time. She had one accident a couple of weeks ago as she was sitting, she fell forward and hit her head on the floor. It scared me pretty badly, as it was the first time that she was hurt and she got a little goose egg on her head. In Thailand they encourage you to put Tiger Balm on these sort of hurts and in India they put butter. We were really surprised about the butter, but one of our friends daughter fell and hit her head really badly and after they put butter on it and the bump went down really quickly, who knew? Now we are more careful and make sure that she has a soft surface to sit on in case she falls.