Aphrezo and Sylvia met in Mongolia and they will be getting married December 22nd in Nagaland. Dave has known Aphrezo for 6 years and he used to be on staff here with us. He's been a very good friend to both of us and we really appreciate him a great deal. We were very excited to meet Sylvia since they were planning to get married soon. She stayed in our house for a few days and it was very nice to spend time with both of them and hear about life in Mongolia. We are very happy for them and hoping to be able to go to their wedding later this month.
An interesting fact about Mongolia: There is central heating for the whole city and a date is fixed when the heat will be turned on and when it will be turned off, regardless of the weather. There are times when the whole city is longing for it to be turned on as the weather is very cold, and other times when the heat is still running and they have to wear shorts and tank tops because the weather outside is very hot.