It's hard to believe, but this Friday Katriel will be 1!!! This year has flown by so quickly and we are so thankful for the gift that she has been to our lives. It's also so incredible to see how much she has grown and changed. She now keeps us very busy as she crawls and explores every nook and cranny. One of the things she has perfected is pulling herself up to stand on nearly everything. She eats a broad variety of food (these days cheese is one of her favorites). She has 2 teeth and two more very close to breaking through. There are a few words that she knows well, but she spends most of her non-sleeping hours trying to talk in her own language. She loves playing with books!! Sometimes we put her in the playpen with some toys and books and more often than not when we take a peek at her, she'll be flipping through one of her books looking intently at the pictures.
We love her to pieces and enjoy the beauty and wonder that she brings to our lives.