How gently and lovingly you wake in my heart, where
in secret you dwell alone; and in your sweet breathing,
filled with good and glory, how tenderly you swell
my heart with love.
"Longing is the echo of eternity within our souls. It is that which sets us apart and makes us pilgrims on the journey. This world is not our home, and our inner ache gives testimony to the brevity of life and the weight of eternity." D. Candler
Beverley is coming to Shillong, hooray! Beverley and I have been good friends for a long time and she has an incredible heart for God. She is originally from Australia and we met for the first time in Kansas City at the International House of Prayer (IHOP). We were there for quite some time together and then moved back to California to work at EHOP, a house of prayer in Redlands. We lived together and worked together for a little over 6 months before she returned to Australia. We have had many adventures together including a road trip across America.
We didn't see each other for a long time but then she flew back to America for our wedding on June 17th last year and we got to hang out a lot and laugh a bunch.
We have been talking and praying and she is probably coming out here early March to work with us here for some time. She is like a sister to me and I'm so excited for her to come. We are probably going to start a prayer team to increase prayer here in Shillong for this city and the surrounding nations. This is such an answer to prayer. Hooray, hooray.
We have come home to a much fuller base as most of our staff have returned from their holidays. We are starting a new Discipleship Training School (DTS) on Jan. 25th which is only a week away. This week there is a lot of staff training going on and everyone is just getting ready for the students to come.
Houser and I have been invited to a very good friends wedding in Aizawl, Mizoram on the 25th. Houser had been asked previously to speak at a church there as well, so we will be leaving Shillong again very soon. The journey is about 12 hours by Sumo (a big jeep sort of thing) and we may be leaving as soon as this Saturday. We have so many different things planned in these next three months and so much travelling to do. Anyway, right now it feels so good to be home. Home, sweet home.
One of the phrases that Houser says over and over again is "Meera patni bahout sunder hai," meaning, my wife is very beautiful. Houser will tell it to Nikki every day and she'll always groan and roll her eyes. She thought this was so funny that she told her dad about it at night. She's started a dance now called, "Meera patni bahout sunder hai," and we all laugh hysterically every time she does it.
Needless to say, we are having so much fun with Nikki and look forward to hanging out with her and her family. Tomorrow we are supposed to go to a park nearby with Poonam and Nikki and learn Hindi there. This park has a little petting zoo sort of place so we can learn the name of different animals, flowers and all sorts of park vocabulary.
Poonam, the lady who has been so graciously teaching us Hindi, is a hindu and I'm blown away by her devotion to her gods. She wakes up every morning and does puja, which is a a time of prayer and worship. She fasts one day every week and also once a month on the full moon. The fast for the full moon is for the long life of her husband. One day, during our lessons, she mentioned something about Lord Shiva, a god, and she spoke of him with such love and respect in her voice. I was talking to Houser and saying, she speaks of him, the way I speak of Jesus. Her husband is a Christian. If she were ever to give her life to Jesus, her family would never talk to her again.
Houser was talking to another guy the other day and this man said that his favorite god is Kali, the god of death, because she is dangerous.
Here we are surrounded by so many different tribes and peoples and religions. I'm often challenged and moved by what people do for their various gods and how they think they will find favor in their sight. So many people sacrifice so much and live in so much fear, devoted to so many things that will never bring their hearts the peace or love they are searching for. Sometimes it's all really disheartening and overwhelming.