We have been in Aizawl for a few days and are greatly enjoying the warmer weather. Our friend is getting married tomorrow and it has been so fascinating to be a part of the wedding traditions here. Last night was the bride price ceremony and it's a very serious and interesting gathering of family. There is a tradition here that every Mizo bride's family must be given 420 rupees for the bride, and it must be paid in 5 rupee coins. So for the bride price ceremony, all of the girl's family is invited and only 3 representatives come from the Groom's side to distribute the money and to make different negotiations.
Many years ago this 420 rupees was a significant amount, but these days it is mostly just to preserve tradition. The Sailos (which our friend is) are the chieftain clan and their brides are worth 520 rupees. Also all the extended family must each be given 20-50 rupees as well. So last night we gathered and had a huge feast and then the money was handed out. Now she officially belongs to that family and after her wedding tomorrow she will go and live with his family. She's not supposed to even visit her family that often, especially in the first year.
In the event of a divorce, the bride's family just gives the bride price back and the divorce is considered final.
Last night Houser also taught at a church in Bawn Kawn and it was a really neat night.
We will be here until Thursday morning, then we will return to Shillong. So many travels these days, but we have really had such a great time here amongst our friends.