This is a picture of a traditional Mizo dance that staff at our base performed at a culture night some time ago. The next picture is of Houser's parents, Jim and Ruthie, and friends, Ike and Thelma, who came out to visit him in 2004. Everyone here was so happy to meet them and they were given various shawls, puans, and mecclas from different tribes in the Northeast to show honor and respect. When most people think of India, sarees, salwars, and lungees come to mind as the traditional dress. Where we live there are a lot more tribal people and their traditional dress is much different. Day to day, they wear much more 'westernized' clothing, but I so love the richness of the different cultures here.
Tonight we are going to Mizoram, which is about 12 hours away, for our friends wedding and a ministry opportunity. In December we had a group of Mizo's come from Aizawl to do Mission Adventures and they invited Houser to come back to their church to speak and challenge their youth group. So Monday night he will be speaking at their church and Wednesday we will be attending the wedding. We will come back to Shillong on Thursday.