Growing up I would always read books by Enid Blyton about the Enchanted Forest and all the many advetures that the children would go on frolicking in the woods. There is something so mysterious and beautiful to me about forests, the gatherings of tall, green trees. One of my favorite things about our house is that we have a balcony in the back with the view of a small forest. We hang our clothes there to dry and sometimes I'll sit out there and read and drink some coffee. There are always some sort of birds singing and chirping, and I love the fresh air.
Just recently, down below us, someone has started building a house and I'm a little worried that they're going to steal our view. Here in Shillong people build house upon house upon house. They have or inherit a small piece of land and so they can't build much unless they build up. The flat where we stay is the second level, and there is one above us. So if the people who are building below us build a couple of stories, the beautiful forest will be covered. Hopefully it will at least take a while, I'll be sad to see it go.