On Saturday we celebrated the 10 Year Anniversary of the commissioning of our base. It was a neat day. We had a total of about 100 people with us, all of the staff and students that are here, plus friends and family that have walked alongside us through the years. Many people came from out of town to celebrate with us and it was a memorable time. We had a great feast after the ceremony was finished with chicken, pork, squash, and salad. So many of our staff worked for hours preparing all of the food, and preparing for this day. It was a true labor of love.
Houser and I are dressed here in Kham Tibetan traditional clothes. We borrowed them from our friends and I felt like a little kid playing dress up. Many of the people here wore clothing of unreached people groups and we had a time of prayer interceding for the Tibeto Burman Region.
We also had a time of commissioning one of our staff here that has a heart for Mongolia. He is leaving the country in the next couple of months and we greatly love him. I cried a couple of times during the night as I was overwhelmed with love for these people and joy for the things that are happening around us.
We have continued to be really busy these days and so I haven't had a lot of time to write, but we are doing well. I will try to post some more pictures soon.