This last Saturday was my 27th birthday and it was a restful day. Houser made me homemade biscuits and a cheese omelette. He was so cute and wouldn't let me go into our kitchen until he had set everything up. So he put some orange juice out and set everything very nicely and then called me to come in and eat. It was delicious and a lot of fun. I got to talk to my mom and sister on the phone too, which was really nice because I seem to miss my family a lot more on special holidays. I love my family and long to see their faces.
We've been super busy with this SOFM. Houser is teaching this week and so both of us have had our days filled with much activity. We have a really good group of solid students and are excited to see what is going to happen in these months together.
So many things have happened since I've last written. Our days have been full and sometimes we hardly see each other as our responsibilities these days are very different. So it's an entirely different season of life and our hearts are being stretched and hopefully enlarged.
I've been really thinking lately about what Jesus said about serving each other and how this is true greatness. There is something incredibly humbling about serving others and it doesn't come naturally to the human heart. To do the small things faithfully, when no one else is looking, completely unto Him. I've been really praying that God would give me a servant's heart and finding daily that I'm really in need of more grace. He's a King, All Powerful, and All Beautiful, the Creator of everything and He came to serve and lay down His life for love. That's amazing, He is altogether lovely.