A few nights ago we had a girl's night with all of the girl staff meeting in our house. We played this hilarious game that originated in Germany during a war. Sanni told us that chocolate was sparse during the years of the war and so they made up this game so that everyone would get to have a bit if chocolate as well as a good laugh.
First you wrap a chocolate bar in a great multitude of newspaper. Then everyone has to roll a dice and whoever gets a six, it's their turn to try and open the newspaper covered chocolate bar. But the game is, that first you have to put on a scarf, two gloves, and a hat. Then you have to hurriedly try to open the choclate using a fork and knife. The funny part is that once someone finally gets all of the clothes on, usually someone else had already rolled another 6. So you keep going until finally the chocolate is opened, and eaten. By this time, most everyone gets a piece of chocolate and everyone has some good fun.