The phone rang early this morning, a little after 6:00, the new MA team had arrived. Usually the first day everyone goes around and explores beautiful Shillong, then sometime in the afternoon we have registration. After that we have a time where we all get to know each other by playing games and hanging out. The picture above (to the right) is of everyone playing a game. I love it because it is so symbolic of this time, very bright, colorful and suspended in movement. All of the people that are here for MA are from a warmer climate and so they are using their shawls to keep warm in this chilly weather. I think they are beautiful.
Again this week, Houser will be teaching and I will be staffing this MA and leading intercession. We have been busy, but our hearts are happy.
This is also the last week of our School of Frontier Missions (SOFM), and so we will be having their graduation on Saturday. So many different things are going on right now; all around us people are coming and going. However next week, after MA and SOFM are finished, there will be very few people here until January. Most everyone is going home to celebrate the holidays with their families. We will miss them.
Please pray for us in this next week, that every heart would be touched and filled with the knowledge of Him.