20 people left our base yesterday, both for outreach and to go home for the holidays. Today we will have graduation for the School of Frontier Missions, there are 7 students, mostly from Northeast India and one girl from Switzerland. We will have some tea and snacks for them after the graduation and a little later we are all going out to dinner to celebrate.
Then we are going to come back to our house and watch "It's a Wonderful Life." Houser and I both love this movie and it makes us cry every time. The message is priceless. Life is not about money and prestige, but about love, family, and sacrificing of our lives for one another, giving and serving in love.
It's a little bit of a bittersweet time here. So many people that we have grown close to are leaving and moving on to other places and countries. It's good and yet a little hard on our hearts as we see them go. There will be a total of five of us here for Christmas and we're planning to have a special dinner together.