Actually my story has nothing to do with this picture, but I thought it was a beautiful piece of art showing how crowns are laid down at His feet because He alone is worthy of our worship.
So less than a week after we returned to India (in early September '05), my tooth started aching and throbbing. We asked around and went to a dentist here to undergo what they call Root Canal Therapy. It took about a month for the whole process to be completed. They took out the nerve and then stuffed some cotton in the hole and I had to go back for maybe 5 or 6 times for the dentist to flush it out and clean it before she finally filled it. A week after I had it done, a portion of the filling fell out and so we had to go back and have it repaired. The dentist told us that they won't put the crown on for another 6 months, and to be careful to not eat anything hard on that tooth or else it would break off. Houser and I looked at each other with big eyes, and I said "Ok." After we left I asked him if he would still love me if one of my front teeth was broken, thankfully, he said yes.
About a month or so later, the same tooth began throbbing and aching and we went again to the dentist, but she said that she couldn't find anything wrong. Needless to say, this has been a pain (no pun intended) for us in the past few months.
We knew that we were going to Thailand and they are supposed to have really good dental and medical care there, and so we have been waiting for this time to come. I was looking online for different dentists there and trying to make an appointment. I had narrowed it down to two different clinics that I wanted to try and had e-mailed them asking about prices and services. My heart was burdened when I got the e-mails back because the treatments could be as much as 500 dollars and so I just started to pray.
The night I got the e-mails, I seriously was just crying out to God for His wisdom and for His guidance and provision. The very next day, I was waiting for a taxi because I needed to buy some groceries in a nearby town. As I waited, a friend of ours who is a pastor, pulled up and asked me if I needed a ride. I got in and in his car was an American who works in Chiang Mai, Thailand, the exact city that we are going to on Tuesday. I said "You're just the person I need to see!" I asked him if he knew of any good dentists there and he said that he goes to Grace Dental Care, this was one of the two dentists that I had decided on. He said that he has had three crowns done there and that they have really good technology and they do a good job. It was amazing, because if I had just been two minutes earlier, or two minutes later, I would have missed them. This whole incident has made me feel more than ever that God hears our cry and answers our prayers.
So hopefully when we come back from Thailand, my tooth will be cured and crowned and we will live happily ever after.
The end.