A couple of the places that we went to, Shangri-la and Lijiang, had dances in the village square every night. It was so beautiful and the people are so welcoming. Without hesistation Houser jumped in to dance with the people. They blare the music really loud and they all gather around the fire in a big circle. There are many different dances and dance steps. Every time that I would just have one down they would switch to another dance that I didn't know. It's neat because there are people there from every age, and they all really get into it. It's a really big part of their culture and there is a large group gathered every night to take part in it.
The picture of Houser and I is taken in a bus that we took to Shangri-la. It was an overnight bus and had mattress sort of things that you could sleep on. So 5 of us were together in the back, kind of like sardines in a can. The hardest part is when it was super cold and 3 or 4 people are smoking in the bus with all of the windows shut. It was really neat to be able to lay down while travelling though and we got to see a lot of great beauty along the way.
Tomorrow we fly to Bangkok to meet Beverley, I'm so excited.