Lijiang is an incredible town in China. There is a part of Lijiang called Gu Chhen (Old Town) that has incredible Nazi buildings and houses. All of the streets are full of red lanterns and there are small streams running down the streets full of beautiful fish. Lijiang is a big tourist town domestically for many of the Chinese. It's beautiful.
I was overwhelmed by the vast development in every city that we went to. I've always had a concept in my mind that China was mostly villages and perhaps a few backward cities, but I was wrong. The roads and infrastructure of China were amazing and far more advanced than anything I've seen in India. Every small city we went to had a supermarket and we even saw a KFC.
The other thing that was a bit overwhelming was the vast number of people walking down the streets. The combined population of India and China is over 1/3 of the world's population, over 2 billion people. I'm going to have to wait until we're back in India to post a bunch of pictures becasue of the computer situation, but they will definitely come. We will meet Beverley in Bangkok in a couple of days and then will be on our way back to India.