This last week has been quite busy and so I haven't had much time or energy to write. Last week we had a large group come for Mission Adventures and they left on Friday for outreach in a large, nearby city. We have heard reports that they are doing well but that the weather is incredibly hot.
On Saturday, we had a big women's party at our house for Aren, Theja's wife, who is expecting a baby in July. It's not really a part of the culture here to have a baby shower, but it was really on my heart to have a little party for her. She has been spending most of her time at home and so it was good to have fellowship and fun with her. We cooked lots of food and played a couple of games and prayed for her. We really had such a good time.
Another MA team arrived today and so the activites keep on continuing here. Houser will be teaching them all week and then we leave Shillong on Thursday evening for a program that we have in a nearby state. We will be gone for a little over a week and then we will return to Shillong for a few days before leaving the country for a little over a week. Every six months we have to leave India for visa purposes and since our calendar is full from July to December, we have to leave in June. Needless to say, the next few weeks we will be travelling quite a bit again and so we would really appreciate your prayers for strength and health.