We have continued with our Hindi Lessons and Poonam, our teacher, and Nikki, her daughter, invited us to the school fair with them. Houser, Bev, and I met them there and had a fun time playing games and eating some fair treats. Nikki was dressed up in her party dress and she had lots of friends there to play with. We were surprised by how many parents and children were there that we knew from different places. We had a good time.
On Tuesday we went to the orphanage again, this time with Sunny. Sunny was the star as she told the story of the Good Samaritan and taught them new songs. We played games and read stories. I really respect and admire the two women that work there. They don't have a day off and are continually responsible for the 74 children that are there with them.
On Wednesday night we had a prayer time in our house from 7:30 until about 1am. A bunch of people came and we had a really good time worshipping and praying and spending time together. We watched the Transformations video about how 4 different cities were transformed and changed as people gathered together to pray. Jails were closed down and drug cartels were dissolved. It's so good, it makes me cry every time.
The new group of MA Participants arrived last night, altogether there are 35 of them. So we are looking forward to this next week that we have together with them.