Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Lately we've been having warmer weather in Shillong and it has brought with it flying bugs of Biblical proportions. They each have 4-6 wings and they fly in huge swarms together. The other night I was walking down the street with Beverley at dusk and there were literally hundreds, if not thousands of them flying in the air. We felt like we were living in the book of Revelation or something. I told Beverley, Jesus is coming soon.

They lose their wings at night and so sometimes we walk outside and there will be hundreds of wings outside of our door. They fly in our house also, the wings, and so I'm constantly sweeping up these brown wings in our house. It's kind of eerie.

We are leaving this afternoon for our journey, and will return to Shillong in a little over a week.
While Houser has a leadership meeting on Friday, Bev and I are going to go up to Darjeeling, which is very famous for tea, and Houser will meet us there on Saturday. Then we all have a meeting throughout the next week, a couple of hours journey from Darjeeling.