So we have safely reached Thailand and we have already had many adventures together.
This city is such a mystery because in so many ways it is incredibly developed and has many stores and facilities not available to us in the Northeast. But it's definitely Thailand with it's plethora of monks, golden temples, polite culture, and incredible food. We were walking down the street the other day at night and there were a couple of people walking with an elephant that had a blinking red light on it's tail so that cars and bikes wouldn't hit it. They were taking collections on behalf of the elephant as elephants are highly revered and respected here. At most all of the houses and businesses here they have little houses outside for their "gods." They're really ornate with bright gold and jewels and they often leave food there for them as well.
It has been good to relax here for a bit and get a lot more dental work done. I feel like I want to make a commercial on behalf of good dental hygiene. There were about 7-8 years where I didn't go do the dentist and I'm definitely having serious repercussions now. This time I've had to get a root canal and a crown done on a back tooth and it's been incredibly painful. I've been to the dentist nealy every day that we've been here. They did the root canal in two days which is incredible compared to the couple of months it took to go through the process in India. They're doing the crown now and today I was sitting in the chair praying real hard. I was thinking about heaven and it being a place where there is no more sorrow, no more pain, and how God will wipe away every tear from our eyes. In heaven, there are no root canals, I'm sure of it.
We're going on a drive tomorrow to a place called the Golden Triangle where Thailand, Laos, and Burma meet. Houser has long dreamed of going to Burma and we're excited to actually see it as it's a place we have often prayed for. We'll be sure to take lots of pictures and post them within the next couple of days. Even though we had to leave India for visa purposes, we're thankful for this time to see beautiful things, eat good food, take hot showers, and get our teeth take care of. (Houser had his cleaned and checked, no trace of a cavity, lucky guy.)