Yesterday was the Global Day of Prayer and there was quite a turn out in Shillong. We were trying to figure out how many people were there and we guessed somewhere between 1500-2000. The neat thing was there was quite a variety of people from many different churches and denominations. It was really interesting how they organized it and we were really encouraged by the whole thing. They shared about how it started in South Africa and from there spread to other regions in Africa. After a couple of years it has spread to the whole world as people have come to recognize their need for God and His mercy in our land.
They had a time of worship and some different groups did tribal dances, singing praises in their own languages. There were quite a few tribes represented, and they were dressed in their traditional clothing. They asked different leaders in the city to lead us in prayer for different things like the city, the nation, and for other countries. It was amazing.
One of their key verses was 2 Ch. 7:14- "If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and forsake their evil ways, then I shall hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land."
After the prayer was finished, everyone broke up into groups and walked through different portions of Shillong, praying for the different localities.
"That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the Lord and there is no other." Is. 45:6