We have to leave the country every 6 months for visa purposes and as we looked at our calendar and plans for the rest of this year, we decided that this was the best time to go. It is good because I have to get more work done on my teeth and Thailand is the best place near us for that. Also in about a week we will be celebrating our one year anniversary and we will be in Thailand for that as well. Time has gone by so quickly, it's hard to believe that last time this year we were getting ready for the wedding. Houser can get a steak there with real beef, which he really appreciates, and so we are planning to go out for a nice dinner there to celebrate the special day. It's really good to go there because we can get many things like Listerine, cooking spices, and all manner of things that we can't find here. There are real hot showers too. There's nothing like a hot shower when you haven't had one for months.
We leave tomorrow and will be gone for about a week and a half. After that we still have some more travelling to do this month, but by mid-July, we will be finished and won't be leaving Shillong until December. This is good as well because there is a certain weariness in my heart from so many travels. I get a bit depressed sometimes thinking about packing yet again and living out of a suticase for a while. But I am very thankful as well, we have had some really neat opportunities this year and have met some incredible people. Plus I have really come to love travelling with Houser. He really does take care of all of the planning and carries my suitcase, and the time goes by so much more quickly when we get to talk and laugh along the way together. I love to be married and am deeply thankful for my husband.
"Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage...They go from strength to strength until each one appears before God in Zion." Ps. 84:5&7