A few days ago we went on a trip to the Golden Triangle which is about 4 hours away from Chiang Mai. It's a really neat place as three countries intersect there: Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), and Laos. We felt like true world travellers that day as we ventured to two new countries in a couple of hours time.
Actually we took a little boat across the river (hence the bright red life jackets) and all of a sudden we were no longer in Thailand, but had crossed the boundary into Laos. We only had about 20 minutes there so we looked around a little bit, and had to take the boat back across the river. As we were on the boat, the guide pointed up a bit, and said, "That's Burma country." So after lunch, we crossed the Burma border, prayed a bit, and then came back to Thailand. We were in the sun for hours that day and both got a little sunburned, but we had a good time. Again, it's so neat to see with our eyes places that we have prayed for for years. You can imagine that the landscape and weather didn't change much from country to country as we just ventured a few miles, but it was neat.