Dave will be leaving soon for a Leadership Development Course that will take place in a city about three and a half hours away from our home. He will be gone for about 6 weeks and Kate and I will join him for two of those weeks. Since Kate hasn't travelled much since we arrived here, we have been trying to take her out some to get her used to the sights and sounds and hopefully prepare her for the travelling we will have to do in the next couple of months. On Sunday, we went on a short journey to where the old base used to be in this city, about 25 minutes away from our home. Dave has always wanted to take me there as it was his first home here, and it was a nice little outing for our family to go on. People don't use car seats here and Dave ended up holding her in her little carrier on our way there and back again. She was really surprised watching everything going on outside and seemed to enjoy the ride.

These are a few pictures of where Dave used to live. The second picture is where some of the boy staff and Dave used to stay. The last picture is of Dave's old room which is now vacant. Everything seems to be falling apart as there is no one living there right now. However, the general area is very lovely and quiet. On the way there we passed many beautiful fields where they are growing potatoes, cabbage, and lots of other vegetables. One of the downsides of living there was that there was no running water. There was a well sort of thing on the property where they had to draw water and then they used to go on a walk to a nearby stream to do their laundry. Where we are now, we have to have water delivered every day, but it is put in a tank and then able to be used in faucets throughout the house.

As we were walking around on the property, we drew quite a crowd of children. Actually, they were most interested in Kate and kept asking questions about her and they wanted to touch and kiss her. They also wanted us to take pictures of them and they were quite adorable. Some of them were very shy and so one would whisper a question they wanted to ask us and then the whole group would shout it out loud.