"Your baby is busy playing the little scientist these days - experimenting with the world around her to discover how things work. Try to remember this as you're retrieving toys that have been thrown in every direction! If you feel like your baby is dropping her toys over and over again only to get your attention, remember that this is how she tests the world and she is fascinated to find that dropping an object, such as a rattle, will have the same result every time. She now knows the sound that the rattle makes and can anticipate it. If the rattle hits another toy or surface on the way down, she may look to see what happened and why the sound was different that time. She is also delighted to discover another predictable result: that you will pick it up for her. Have patience. I remember wanting to put everything on little bungee cords so my daughter could retrieve her dropped toys herself."
This is an excerpt from an e-mail I received yesterday regarding the developmental stage our baby is in based on her age and so much of what they said was so true! Just a couple of days ago Dave was walking past Kate and she launched one of her rattles through the sky and it landed several feet away from her. When we put her in her walker with some of her toys, she throws all of them on the floor repeatedly. It's interesting to know that little babies all over the earth the same age as Kate are going through the same things and beginning to explore their world.
We've continued to feed her rice cereal but I'm not really sure how much is actually making it to her stomach. It seems like most of it ends up on her face, her bib, and her clothes. She seems to like it though, and I'm sure that somehow she is receiving some nutrients from it.