Here in Shillong, the seasons change suddenly and we go straight from Summer to Winter. It started getting quite cold last week and we were trying to bundle up Kate to keep her warm during the night. A couple of nights she slept really well with a hat on, but then she learned pretty fast that she could take it off and now its hard to get her to keep them on. She's really cute wearing different hats though.
Kate is continuing to move around a lot these days. When I put her down in her crib or playpen for a nap, she is often in a different position when I come and get her later. She's a little wiggle worm now and is often trying to roll over. She used to be really content just lying down, playing with her toys, but now she wants to see what's happening in the room and looks around at everything going on. She's quite content when I put her in her walker or prop her up on her Boppy pillow so she can look around. She is a great joy to watch and play with. She squeals with laughter when I play peek-a-boo with her and her laughs are quite contagious. She is also much more aware of the sounds that are going on around her now. When we sneeze and cough or when the thunder rumbles deeply (as its been doing often lately), her eyes get really big with surprise. She really loves when we sing to her as well. It doesn't seem to matter how lovely, or rather how off-key our voices are, she is easily entertained and always smiles or giggles. I find myself making up all sorts of little songs to sing her, sometimes they rhyme, and sometimes they don't make much sense, but I find great pleasure in singing to her and making her smile.