We went on a picnic today with all of the students and staff from the SOFM. It was a really beautiful day, with a blue sky and some fluffy clouds. It's been raining a lot these days and so we were worried that we might be caught out in the rain, but we were ok. It started to sprinkle right before we left but we all stayed dry. Everyone played a few games and we ate some tasty lunch together.
It has been good to get to know all of the students better and to find out about the dreams and plans of their hearts. It's so encouraging to see what God is doing in the hearts of people from many different places and ages. He truly does have a plan for our lives and His leadership and ways are infinitely better than we think or imagine. I'm learning these days to trust Him more and more. Whenever I get discouraged, lonely, or weary, it has been good for me to remember His faithfulness in leading our lives and to rest in a place of thankfulness and trust. Sometimes this is easier than other times. He has always been good to me, and so often surprised me by His loving attention to detail, why should I ever think that all of a sudden, after so many years, He will forget me. This verse has had new meaning for me these days, "Can a woman forget her nursing child, and have not compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you. See I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me." -Isaiah 49:16 I know myself well and am well acquainted with my weaknesses and failings, but I can't imagine ever forgetting about our little baby. Every time she cries, day or night, I hear her and care for her. She is always on my mind. My love is so small and frail compared to the love of the Father for us. He knows the number of hairs on our head, numbers our wanderings, and puts our tears in a bottle. Oh God, please remind us again how much you care for us, how great the depths of love that are in Your heart for us. Remind us that You see us, that You know us by name, that Your ears are open to our cries, and that You see the desires and longings of our hearts.
One of our friends bought Kate the cutest little yellow outfit and she wore it today to the picnic. She was a bit sleepy as it was her nap time, but its hard for her to sleep when there is so much activity going on. As usual, she's quite a star and everyone continues to tell us that she looks like a doll. She has many "Aunties" and "Uncles" here who always want to hold and love her.
"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." Is. 26:3