Just a quick update that we have already caught two mice/rats within 24 hours. We set traps up last night after the rodent invaded our home. When we woke up, I checked the traps and we had caught one.
Just now, tonight, we were in the living room and we heard a loud snap. We went and checked and another one had been caught. It's the weirdest thing because normally they don't come inside when the lights are on, but the past couple of days they have been coming in while we are still awake. Houser said it's maybe because of the change of seasons.
Staff training for MA is going on right now and Houser has been involved with that and orientating the new staff that have come. Bev and I are spending our days studying and praying and then sharing with the students at the Discipleship School of Ministry in the afternoons. We are having such a good time with them. We leave every day encouraged.