On Saturday Beverley and I went to a local orphanage to spend time with the children. Beverley really has a heart for orphans and so we wanted to see if there are ways that we can help out there. This particular orphanage is mostly Khasi and only for girls. There are about 74 girls there right now ranging from ages 4 to 16.
It was really funny because we didn't have any program prepared, we just wanted to meet them and find out if there were ways that we could help. However it was a rainy day and so they had all of the girls inside. They really wanted us to share some stories or teach them some new songs and so we sang with them and I told the story of David and Goliath. I had a volunteer, the tallest girl, stand on a chair and be Goliath. Another tiny girl was David and everyone was laughing really hard. Beverley and our friend Ayophy shared some things as well. Those little girls are so precious, I cannot even properly explain.
We found out that we can come and play with them on Saturdays and on the weekdays we can come in the afternoon to help them with their studies. So especially for the next couple of months we hope to go there a couple of times a week.