On Friday night, a couple from the DTS that are originally from Maharashtra (West India), came to our house to talk. They were supposed to leave for the outreach to Bhutan on Monday, but they needed over 10, 000 rupees (about $250 US dollars) to pay the school and outreach fees. They were heart broken because they had completed the three month lecture phase and were wondering if they could somehow get credit for that since they weren't able to complete the two month outreach to receive a DTS certificate and graduation. It was really hard because the husband was sharing with us that he really believed that God was going to provide for them, but the deadline had come and gone and they didn't know what to do. For sure we don't have an extra $250 dollars laying around, and we didn't know how to counsel them, except to say that we could give them a certificate for the lecture phase and pray that God would clearly lead and guide them and provide for all of their needs. They left our house and said they wanted to make dinner for us Saturday night.
The next night they came to our house and brought the chicken biryani dinner with them. They had good news. Suddenly that day their phone had rang and someone from Maharashtra said that they would send them the money they needed for the outreach. Their faces were bright and shining and their joy was contagious. It was so encouraging because Peter really believed that God was going to provide for them and He really did, just in time. So we prayed for them, along with the rest of the DTS today as they are leaving this afternoon for their outreach to Bhutan.
They had invited a couple of other people over to our house as well and so we had a neat dinner of chicken biryani and celebrated the faithfulness of God. Biryani is a famous dish in India that is usually made for special occasions like weddings and birthdays. It is made up of several different layers and is often served with some curds and vegetables. It was delicious and we had a good time.