So many neat things have been going on this last week. This last weekend they were celebrating a revival that happened here in Meghalaya 100 years ago and a church here invited me to come and speak and lead a prayer time. As I was preparing to share with them I was studying the history of revival here and it was so inspiring and encouraging. A group of people had gotten together to pray because they heard that exciting things were going on in the world (the Welsh Revival). The book I was reading said that they had a longing in their heart for God and a desperation because of their own powerlessness in sharing the gospel and reaching out to those who don't know Jesus. So they started praying. There was a meeting that was held and thousands of people came and had incredible encounters with God.
Suddenly, normal lay people in the church started going out on the streets and sharing the gospel with people and in 2 years over 8000 people were saved. They said that there was incredible unity within the church, people were getting out of debt and becoming generous, and there was a new hunger to share the gospel with the unreached. The thing that encouraged me was that it was normal people, like you and me, who started praying and the results were like those in the book of Acts as lives were changed and localities were changed.
So we had a neat time of prayer that night, asking for God to come and move again within this city and the surrounding regions. Beverley and I were asked to share with a group of youth this week in a training program and it has been good. There are somewhere between 30-40 of them and they are from different states within northeast India. We are mostly sharing about prayer and trying to instill a love for God and hunger for His word. It has been challenging and fun.
Last night 4 new people arrived who are going to be on staff with us now. We are starting Mission Adventures again this Monday and running it three times this month. It's a ten day program with 4 days of training and 6 days of outreach and ministry. So our base is full of activity and preparation for this month to come. We have been praying so much that God would do great things and we feel like we can see glimmers of answered prayers. It's really an exciting time.