All over the world, Easter is celebrated with Easter eggs. My Grandma sent me a package with some Easter goodies in it, and so here is a picture with Bev and some candy easter eggs that she sent. My nephew Luke is holding an easter egg that he made for his brother Noah. My sister is 8 months pregnant and so Noah isn't even born yet, but we are all anxiously awaiting his arrival.
We went to church yesterday on Easter Sunday and they gave us boiled, colored Easter eggs. I was really surprised that they would do that here. My friend Sunny was sharing that in South Korea, they also hand out Easter eggs at the church services symbolizing new life. So it seems to be a worldwide phenomenon.
Today, April 17th, is a great day. It is my Dad's Birthday and our ten month anniversary. One of our friends was making fun of us because we count our anniversary monthly. Maybe we'll stop counting after we hit the one-year mark, but to us, it's a big deal.
The DTS is leaving for outreach today and so our base will be quiet for a couple of weeks until Mission Adventures starts.