We stayed in Asia until I was about 6 months pregnant and decided that we wanted to have the baby in America. It took us a while to figure out which state we would be in for the delivery and we did a lot of research and prayed a whole bunch, and finally decided that Pennsylvania would be the best location. While it was difficult to be away from my family (they're in California), we were overwhelmed by the love and support that was lavished on us by Dave's family and church. We were showered with gifts and supplies way before our baby was born and were wondering how in the world we were going to be able to pack everything into a few suitcases. The doctors and nurses that we saw for all of the prenatal care were really good and helpful and we loved the Childbirth Classes. We really enjoyed watching Winter turning into Spring in Lancaster County, and eagerly counted down the weeks and days until our precious baby was born. I vividly remember the joy I felt watching the first flowers bloom and the squirrels and bunnies coming out to play in the warming weather. But that joy was nothing compared to the joy we felt when we finally saw her little face.