Last Saturday we took Kate to the doctor for immunizations. We found out about this Pediatrician from two couples that we know here and they both highly recommended him. It's a really interesting process that we go through to actually see him. Dave had gone earlier in the day to meet him at the hospital and to try and figure how we should do her shots as the American schedule and Indian schedule of shots are different and we needed to catch up on some (like Tuberculosis) that are not given in America that she has already missed. He said that his clinic is open from 2:30-5:30pm and we should call ahead and get a number. So Dave called to make an appointment and about 4 or 5 times they wanted him to call back until a certain person was there. When he finally got through to her, they gave us number 18 and told us to come at 4:00. Dave called to verify if the doctor showed up yet around 3, and he hadn't arrived yet so we thought maybe we would show up at about 5 pm and sure enough we only had to wait for maybe 5 minutes or so.
We got there and waited in a tiny little room with maybe 6 or 7 other moms and their children, while others were waiting outside. We got to sit in the waiting room because our number was coming up. Kate is a big attention getter wherever she goes and everyone in the room was looking at her and different people asked us questions and told us how beautiful she is.
I was really nervous to be in the room when she got shots because the last time she had cried and cried and her little chin quivered and I was a bit traumitized for a couple of hours. I know I need to get tougher, but I had decided that this wasn't to be the time for that and so I asked Dave if he would hold her and I left the building after she was weighed and everything. I was wondering what the women in the waiting room were thinking about me as I scurried quickly through the room so I wouldn't have to hear her cry. The good thing to know for next time is that these shots weren't as hard on her as the last ones. The last time she cried and cried and was inconsolable for a long time and seemed to not recover until the next day. This time, by the time that she got home she seemed to have forgotten about the whole thing. The next few days after the shots she was a bit fussy and not feeling too well, but she's back to her happy, laughing self these days.
She weighs 6.8 kg now which is about 15 pounds. I asked the doctor if that was enough and he said, "Yes, more than enough." So I was really happy about that, she is growing and becoming taller as well.