Hooray, hooray, we have a new refrigerator!! Before we were married, Dave had bought a little refrigerator to keep a few things cool and now that we have a child, we were really wanting a bigger one. We are so thankful to Jim and Ruthie's (Dave's parents) Sunday School Class who so kindly, and graciously bought it for us. Thank you! It's so nice because we can keep so many things in it and it has a freezer too! We didn't have space in our old one for vegetables and so all of our vegetables would get spoiled really quickly. Soon I'll be making baby food for Kate and it will be nice to store some veggies in the fridge.
I've been doing lots of investigating about when we should start feeding her solids and there are so many conflicting opinions about when and what to start feeding her. Some people say anywhere between 4-6 months, but others say you shouldn't give anything before 6 months. Some people say you should start with rice cereal and others say veggies and then fruits. I was talking with a friend yesterday and he said that they gave their son banana when he was three months old. I bought some Cerelac this week which is a rice cereal and we're thinking about feeding her some in the next couple of weeks.
There is a conference here this next week with many of the Church leaders throughout Northeast India. They are gathering to plan and make strategies about how to plant more churches and reach more people. It's very interesting because they are from many different denominations and organizations and there is great expectation about what God may do this next week and in the next few years to come. Dave is on the planning team and is helping to find housing for everyone in various hotels and hostels in our city. It's kind of funny, but he often gets put in charge of the housing in situations like this and jokes that it's because he's a "Houser."