From Pittsburgh we drove to Ft. Wayne, Indiana and stayed there a couple of days with some friends of ours. We really enjoyed it there and wished that we could have stayed a little longer. After Ft. Wayne, we drove to Kansas City and stayed there a week. It was a good break of driving for us and we got to spend time with more friends and also at the House of Prayer. Katriel did really well in the car alonjg the way and slept most of the time. We had to stop a lot during the way to change her diaper and feed her, but we still made pretty good time. Beverley left us in Kansas City as she had other plans.
After Kansas City we drove to Colorado and spent a night in Colorado Springs with some more friends. The drive was incredible as the landscapes changed dramatically and as we got to watch the shadows mark our surroundings as the sun came up and went down again. Often our hearts were drawn to worship God as we saw the beauty of His creation and how it varied from state to state. We spent one night in Holbrook, AZ and then the next evening we made it safely to California where my family was waiting for us with a lovely dinner. So overall we passed through Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona before reaching California. We had a really nice trip and we were really thankful to Jim and Ruthie for letting us use their car, especially as they were flying out to California to drive it back to Pennsylvania. It was good for us though as we would get to see them again before we left for Asia.