Katriel Eden Houser was born on Thursday April 24th, 2008 at 2:34 am. She was 7 lb, 4 oz and 20 inches long.
I had gone to the doctor on Monday the 21st for a check-up and the doctor decided to induce me into labor because they said that my amniotic fluid was low. My mom had flown to Pennsylvania and I was so thankful that she was going to be there during the labor and help me through everything. So at about 8:00 am on Tuesday the 22nd I checked into Women and Babies Hospital in Lancaster. We were certain that later that day we would be proud parents, but the process took a lot longer that we anticipated. The nurses and doctors there were so kind and helpful.
How do you briefly summarize a birth? Words fail to communicate the range of emotions that I went through in that span of time. We played worship music the whole time that we were there and I really felt the presence and nearness of God as we were in the delivery room. I was scared at different times and I kept meditating on the verse "The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe," and the first verse of Psalm 91, "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." I was also excited to meet our baby and to not be pregnant any longer. However there is nothing that prepared me for the love that I would have for her. When I saw her and held her, something truly beautiful happened in my heart and I was surprised by how much I cared for her and treasured her. I loved the way that Dave looked at her and held her carefully and tenderly. I truly got a fresh glimpse into the Father heart of God as I watched him with her. I think I changed maybe two diapers the first week, and he changed all of the rest. He was so helpful to me and didn't leave the hospital the whole time that I was there. It so touched our hearts as we saw how much she meant to our families too. We cannot over emphasize the support that we had from our families and friends, we were surrounded with love on every side. I guess I could probably write a book to explain all that happened those couple of days and all that we thought and felt. I just wanted to say that we eagerly waited for her and were so happy when she finally came.The world became a more beautiful place the day that she was born.