One of the most difficult times that we had while we were in America was when we had to leave Pennsylvania. We had been there for about 3 1/2 months and it had become home for our little family. We had stayed in a really nice furnished apartment owned by Wycliffe Bible Translators and we had really enjoyed being there. It was Katriel's first home and we had received so much love and support from Dave's family and church and so it was with heavy hearts that we packed all of our belongings. We had no idea how much stuff is acquired when having a baby (especially with so many generous people around us) and it took us quite a while to pack everything. We were really wondering at this point how in the world we would be able to pack everything into the 4 suitcases that we were allowed to bring on the plane to fly to Asia. Luckily at this point we didn't have to really worry about that as Jim and Ruthie (Dave's parents) kindly and graciously allowed us to use their car to drive cross America. We had no idea how it was going to work out as Katriel was only three weeks, but we were ready for an adventure and looked forward to meeting friends and family along the way.
Our close friend Beverley, from Australia, met us in Pennsylvania and came along with us for a good chunk of the journey. It was good to have her along. Our first stop was in Pittsburgh, with Andy and Sarah and their lovely family. They had a brand new baby at that time too and it was good to spend time with them.